Trusted Professionals

Tuteria tutors are experienced, friendly, manually screened, and thoroughly vetted.

Learn at Your Pace

Book online in about 60 seconds and plan your private lessons according to your own schedule.

Safe and Secure

Trusted by 100s of happy parents, professionals and students with more than 90% success rate.

CCNA Lessons

Helping you pass the CCNA exam is our specialty. Whether you're a beginner or advanced student or need help with specific areas like Access lists, IP Routing, LAN Switching, VLANs, IP Addressing, Network Security, Troubleshooting, WAN and more, our experienced and certified CCNA tutors will help you pass the exam.

Questions our clients asked

Where will the lessons hold?
You chose where works best for you. Lessons may hold in the comfort of your home, at the tutor's location or anywhere you both agree. All lessons are delivered offline, in-person and you can choose your preferred tutor.
How much does it cost?
Lesson cost will depend on your area, length of lessons and the number of students. You get discounts for multiple students and up to 10% additional discount when you pay ahead!

Please note that we require a one-time fee of ₦3000 in order to process your request. If we can't find a tutor, we'll fully refund your payment.
How do I pay for my lessons?
You can pay securely online or via bank transfer. Our online payments are processed by PayStack and AccessBank which which accepts Visa, Master and Verve cards. Apart from the above service fee, you don't have to pay for lessons until we have found your perfect CCNA tutor and you're ready to begin lesson. We closely monitor lesson delivery and support you in any emergencies.
How do you ensure quality and safety?
Our CCNA tutors have undergone various screening phases including offline and online identity verification, and CCNA competency assessments. Only the top candidates were interviewed and the very bests were hand-picked. We also facilitate criminal background checks on behalf of clients, and request two reputable guarantors especially for students under 18.

Beyond that, clients also rate tutors' performance and those whose ratings fall below 70% are not allowed to continue. So your tutor will either be newly approved or have been rated above 70% by previous clients.
Is there a Refund Policy or Guarantee?
Yes there is. If you're not satisfied after the first lesson, we will replace the tutor at no cost to you or refund your balance. We keep our words.
How quickly can I get a tutor in my area?
We have several verified CCNA tutors and their current availability. If we already have a tutor in your area, then you can get one by tomorrow. If not, it may take up to 2 weeks for us to find one that meets our standards. Just place a request above and we'll take it up from there.